I already do that with a whole lot of words I can't pronounce.
That committee was established on December 5, 1984, and as I said, they went seven months. The earlier reference I showed was four months.
Then there was the Special Committee on the Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons. That committee was established on March 21, 2001. You'll find it in Journals on pages 208 to 209. The latter committee's first report was concurred in, with certain amendments, on October 4, 2001. In Journals it's pages 691 to 693. That took eight months.
The three examples that I've brought up so far are four months, seven months for the report that the government has held up as a shining-light example of what we should be doing, and eight months.
But there's another one. Further proposals were suggested by the Special Committee on the Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons, and were debated in the following sessions: November 20, 2002, in Journals on page 210; November 21, 2002, page 215; and November 22, 2002, page 217. The total amount of time they took to do that report was 11 months.
By the way, I did want to mention on the McGrath report that I believe they did three—at least two, maybe three—international trips, as well as taking....
I had it jotted down. I will find it. Fifty-seven strikes me as the number, but let me see if I can find it.