She's over two and a half now, but I say she's two and a half going on 30. She is quite an independent young girl.
I say this to just go back to the point that there are ways in which we can work as parliamentarians to improve the operation of this House. Certainly the examples that have been cited in past reports and the changes that have been made—without getting into the Standing Orders—I think are shining examples of how we, as parliamentarians, can truly work together to make this place a better place, whether for families or for all parliamentarians. We all have duties in this place and in our ridings as well. There are ways we can work to make this place just a little more workable for all parliamentarians.
Again, I want to keep bringing this back to the motion before us and the amendment that has been moved by Mr. Reid, because I think that's really the heart of where we are, the heart of what's really preventing this committee from getting down to work on the potential proposals. It is a question of consensus, the ability of all parties to come to an agreement on changes to how we operate as a House, changes to the Standing Orders.
A lot of times, we forget that there are those who have sat in our seats before us. We have predecessors from all parties who have served in this place and who have left a lasting contribution to our country and to our Parliament. I think it's worthwhile not to negate the ideas and suggestions that those before us have given us.
One of the great examples I would cite and I would turn to is from a Liberal Prime Minister. We've heard references to Jean Chrétien and his proposal, but I actually want to go a little bit further back. In 1968, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson was in his final months as Prime Minister. He had cause to produce the Manual of Official Procedure of the Government of Canada.
This was published in 1968, and to date, it's the only—