Let me move to the other question that I had for you.
When you were at the Senate legal and constitutional affairs committee in April, you indicated that you had a number of complaints about third parties. I don't know if we're talking about the same subject matter that you just indicated here or not, but I'm wondering if you can indicate whether that's become an issue, that third parties are so significantly involved there may be unfair electoral outcomes as a result.
You also stated today, and I believe at the Senate committee as well, that Parliament should consider whether there is a need to re-examine the third party regime with a view to maintaining a level playing field for all participants. You also have indicated that, when third parties are able to receive foreign funding and use that foreign funding during the election period, provided they receive the funds prior to six months before the election is called, it means that, really, third parties can use unlimited foreign funding and there's really no restriction on the amounts they can use, outside of election advertising. You said today that you believe we should look at the other expenses, like polling, voter contact services, promotional events, and these types of things.
I wonder if you could expand on that and give us an idea of any other suggestions you have that we could use to strengthen the third party financing regime to ensure that there is that level playing field you're talking about, that it is maintained in relation to foreign funding, and specifically fleshing out this idea of the other types of expenditures that are completely unlimited at this point. Do you think we need to go beyond that six-month period, so there can't just be someone at six months and a day, especially with a fixed election date, which obviously drops a bunch of money in and is able to significantly influence a Canadian election?