I was thinking of something a little closer to now, not months from now when the whole thing is moot.
This is what I mean, Chair. Where's the goodwill? We've offered all kinds of it. All we asked for was an indication that the government would recognize...if we once again met their imposed deadline, which we don't have to do as a standing committee, as masters of our destiny. Now they want us to unilaterally accept something. I would say that at this stage the minister's point may even be suspect in terms of whether or not it's true.
We're in a bit of a crisis here, because this stuff matters. At least the government keeps saying it does, but when it comes time to deliver, we get this kind of nonsense. I am not satisfied, Chair. I have to tell you that this letter means, “Okay, well, folks, see you in September.”
That clock is going to keep ticking, and there is a point at which it will be too late to introduce legislation that could get all the way through the House. We're quite a ways from that now, but the more time is wasted, the more it suits the government agenda of shutting things off by saying, “Oh, we ran out of time.” I remind you that this is the government that was the author of the six-week “lost in space” period that we had.
The more that you look at this, think it through, and try to figure out what's fair and reasonable, the more you realize that the senior partners in this, the government, don't seem to have any interest other than their own agenda. I had taken them at their word that they were willing to consider beyond that, that they were going to be a different kind of government. Remember the election way back when, and all the promises about how things were going to be different. I have to tell you, right now it doesn't feel so different.
Chair, I am not satisfied that this is anywhere it needs to be. At some point, this thing has to get straightened out, or I don't know what.
What's not going to happen is that we just let it whimper away and die quietly because we've crossed deadlines that then make it impossible for us to do our work. I am so frustrated right now, and I question whether we're going to get a resolution. We're going to get out of here, we're going to be back in September, and we're going to be further behind because we've lost all that time. I'm getting close to the end of my rope with this government on this file.