If we're winding up, then I want to reiterate that I meant what I said. Most of this has been done in public, and there's a track record of our trying to be accommodating with the government as much as possible. We just have the dirty end of the stick in this whole process, and it doesn't look to me as if this is going to get resolved at all satisfactorily.
There may be a strongly worded letter. Whoa, boy, that's going to change the world. Also, I won't hold my breath for a response that has any serious relevance to what we're concerned about.
However, do understand that where we leave now is not a good place, and that will be reflected in the tone and the approach to our work in the fall. The government cannot have it both ways. You can't ask for our co-operation, receive it, give us the dirty end of the stick, and then expect you're still going to get co-operation. Understand that when we come back in September, we will not be in a very good place.