Thank you for your comments.
I think, particularly over the past week, we've noticed how important this legislation is, given the fact that the leader of the official opposition has also been engaged in events that have not been publicly disclosed, and initially refused to admit that he was taking part in those events. I think that this legislation clearly outlines why it's important for political leaders to be more open and transparent, particularly about raising money and who they're interacting with. I think that it's a recognition that we can do better. Whether we're in government or the opposition, we should all be doing better to ensure that we're providing that openness and transparency for Canadians to see what's going on.
I do want to comment that lobbyists are covered under the Lobbying Act, and they do have additional responsibilities with regard to how they govern themselves and how they act. That's something separate. Within this legislation, we have made clear—because governments and the Canada Elections Act tend not to regulate the internal activities of parties—that parties still have the authority to determine who can attend fundraisers and who cannot.