The intent is not to penalize people who make mistakes or where accidents happen, but rather entities or individuals who are deliberately trying to hide information. As in all the penalties and processes within Elections Canada, a process is always followed, and a dialogue about this ensues between either the Chief Electoral Officer or the commissioner of Elections Canada and individuals, parties, or political entities.
Of course, the penalties would be on a graduated system. There's an opportunity for organizers to submit the information that was lacking if it was accidental.
However, if this is not the case and it was discovered to be intentional, then there's a sliding scale of penalties that range from the maximum being a $1,000 fine and.... The legislation says that as soon as a political entity learns they have contravened the rules, they must return the donations. I might ask my officials to jump in just for the technical details.
I'm going to turn to one of my officials to clarify that.