Thank you, Minister, for appearing here today. I've learned a lot more about the legislation. I think it is a great step in the right direction.
I'm a little surprised to hear that this isn't going to make any difference at all now that media are in the event. Media constitute a channel through which so many people learn so much about what is actually happening. Most of these events were held in complete secrecy and still continue to be held in secrecy by some parties.
I think the Liberal Party has raised the bar now. The Prime Minister also has raised the bar and the standard of being more transparent. Once this legislation is in place, I think we'll be able to hold all parties accountable after the fact concerning who is attending these events.
Right now, Mr. Scheer is still refusing to reveal who's attending and is stating that it's only relevant to know in the case of prime minister's events, but it's not relevant to know who donates to him, as he is not a public office holder, but of course, he is in fact a public office holder.
Why did you find that it was important to make sure that all the various parties and candidates who, as you've said before, don't have a seat in the House reveal who's attending their fundraisers?
Also, can you in general talk a bit more about the Canadian system? I know that you think we have a very robust fundraising system and that even in the past, Elections Canada laws were technically still being followed. Why is this extra step necessary at this time?