I'm interested in the list of exclusions, in terms of your comments on the list of those who are excluded from having to record their names. You mentioned age, and I have a concern with respect to your comments on age. As a young girl, I was taken to many political fundraisers. My mother took me, because she was very involved. As a mother, I don't know that I would want my daughter's or son's name showing up on a list simply because I was there with them. As a mother, I don't know that I'm comfortable with that.
I can understand if a donation is made, since that's a different act or gesture. However, if I have my son or daughter, who is four years old, with me, and I am bringing them to a political fundraiser because I want to be with them and I want to introduce them to this group or whatever, do you not see that there's some concern with just opening it up and saying that attendees of any age have to be included on the list?