Yes, I like this idea very much. I liked this idea long before it became a platform commitment, because I've been here 14 years and I've seen it time and time again. Most of it was played out within the media. Most recently the discussion has shifted from who should be involved to what platform we choose in doing this. There are so many platforms by which you could do it. Therefore, they have to make that decision.
Another reason I like it goes back to a few years ago in Great Britain when I was watching a debate. It was two elections ago. They had the Labour Party, the UKIP, and the Lib Dems, and I thought to myself that the Conservatives refused to be there. It turns out they weren't even invited. It was a debate between opposition parties only, in which there was government bashing ad nauseam. I thought it was unfair. However, the reason they chose this format was that they wanted to bring in more viewers. This was their consortium.
This is where I think that if it's left to a consortium, left to people who are looking strictly for eyeballs, we could find ourselves spiralling a little bit out of control. You're going to get everything from.... I don't know. It simply becomes very prescriptive. I hope that we don't go that way either, but in this case I hope that we have someone, a commissioner, who is familiar with the format and is able to provide a neutral body on all platforms.