Good morning.
You hit the nail on the head there, because I think the public outcry has not been loud enough to get the leaders to debate. That is where we realized we did not get the media involved early enough, probably, or give them enough of a seat on the commission. The only way to get the leaders to debate is from a public outcry.
As Catherine explained, we started from the other end. We felt, as the chamber, as leaders, as business leaders in the country, that we needed to have democracy, so we needed to have a debates commission. We started from that end. We did not engage and get the engagement of the public adequately, so they did not call for the debate. We have half the country wanting it, and the other half saying, what good is a debate? There was not enough of a public outcry to get the leaders to debate. We have learned the hard way that it is one of lessons and one of the things we have to fix going forward.
Now the Trinidad & Tobago Publishers & Broadcasters Association is actually part of the commission. We realize that we need to engage them in a different way because they are the only mouthpiece to get to the public. That's a big lesson we learned.