We're relying on our chiefs committee on languages. When you come to a chiefs committee on languages, boy, you have the different tribes being spoken. We're relying on their recommendations.
Again, for example, if Romeo's speaking in the House of Commons, he's speaking Cree. He should bring in proper interpreters for that dialect.
Georgina Jolibois speaks Dene. You should ask her who she brings in for that dialect.
They need a base, a pool to draw from.
It's not hard to get those three MPs who are speaking to find the proper person to bring in. That should happen.
I just want to say as well that in your kits the leave-behind is this. For all of your questions and comments, read this. We did our regional roll-ups, our regional forums, and questions and comments on what should be next steps. What do the people want? It's in this report. This is going to be the basis for providing direction on this legislation.
Again, the AFN has a lot of work to do.
This is going to be the first time ever in our languages. You're going to hear six of them, anyway. There's another 50-plus that we have to get to.