Okay, perfect.
All right, Mr. Duncan are you there?
Mr. Gerretsen?
Seeing that is 12:31 and we have a jam-packed panel, I'd like to resume as quickly as possible. I hope Mr. Duncan and Mr. Gerretsen are close by and can at least hear.
Welcome back. We're going to get started.
Everyone, I just want to remind you to please click on your screen at the top right-hand corner and ensure that you are in gallery view. This view is best so that we can all see each other at the same time.
As a reminder, all comments are to be addressed through the chair. When speaking, please speak slowly and clearly. When you are not speaking your mike should be on mute. Everyone has actually done an excellent job on this portion of it in the last few meetings, but it's the "unmutes" that we sometimes seem to forget, so let's keep that in mind. Headsets are strongly encouraged.
I'd like to welcome all of our witnesses to our 11th meeting of PROC. We are very honoured to have you all here. You have great expertise that you'll be able to share with us.
Today on the second panel of our 11th meeting, we have Monsieur Marc Bosc, the former acting clerk of the House of Commons; Emmett Macfarlane, associate professor, University of Waterloo; the Honourable Peter Milliken, former speaker of the House of Commons. Welcome again.
We also have Monsieur BenoƮt Pelletier, professor, faculty of law at the University of Ottawa. Last but not least, we have Mr. Gregory Tardi, executive director of the Institute of Parliamentary and Political Law.
Welcome to all of the witnesses. You each have some time allotted. I believe 10 minutes is what you were informed of. I'm hoping some of you will be able to help us out and try to shave off one to two minutes from that 10-minute introductory comment time. Please, if possible, try to do that.
We will start with Mr. Bosc.