Within the team's platform you have the capability also to raise your hand to get the attention of the Speaker. Much like the House of Commons has provided guidance around how to best leverage video conferencing, we also recommend that the chat stream form part of that interaction, and thus the ability to then share thoughts. Sometimes people don't always watch the raise-the-hand signal.
We also have a timer to time people, or to see how much time is left in the meeting or how long people have spoken. I think those things are part of that.
When we deployed these solutions at the beginning, we deployed them in support of what we thought were generalized uses. As we built them out, we've heard from our customers, be they in the education sector or the health care sector, that they need tweaks to those particular toolsets. We've gone back to our engineers to make sure that those tweaks come in.
You saw those tweaks rolling out April 21. You'll see over the next few weeks you'll get an increasing number of features. That's the power of cloud services.