There is leeway for the first language, whenever you could get that in, but I'm assuming it would be quite early, because you would need to give the translators time to translate it and have it ready for five o'clock.
Thanks to everyone on the committee for resolving that.
We are going to jump to the first section of the recommendations. I'm hoping we can get through one or two sections of the recommendations. This is after the discussion section. Raise your hand if you have any ideas.
The first recommendation is LIB 1:
We should establish an alternative set of Standing Orders to be used in extraordinary circumstances to enable a fully functioning virtual Parliament.
There is a note that says, “this recommendation was slotted by the analyst in two possible places in the report”.
Recommendation BQ 10 is similar to that, in a way:
That the House permanently amend its Standing Orders to include a section authorizing the implementation of a virtual parliament....
There is a slight difference, I guess. The rest of it is pretty much the same.
NDP 2 is similar as well. NDP 2, BQ 10 and LIB 1 are all trying to get at the same idea.
Mr. Richards, do you have a proposal? You have your hand up.
We have Mr. Richards, and then Mr. Turnbull.