I'm going to make a different suggestion.
I'll point out first that I share the thoughts of Mr. Duncan. I found it quite contradictory to be proposing that we move to a fully virtual Parliament, yet tell committees that they shouldn't have any powers virtually. It's quite, we'll call it ironic, I suppose, rather than a word I could probably use.
I would like to make a different suggestion on this one that reflects some of the concerns that we've heard about the idea of maybe going towards a hybrid Parliament as a step during the current....
I'll make this suggestion. You've all heard my voice enough today, so I won't spend a bunch of time making the case for it other than to say that I think it will be obvious.
I would suggest we change it so that everything after “achieve a”, I would say, “Undertake necessary steps to expand the House's capacity and operations to achieve a hybrid Parliament for the remainder of the spring sitting.” That would be the full text of it if it's amended as such.