Yes, that's something that has come up and it's something to consider and it will be up to the House to decide what it would like to do with that.
When we look at it, we see that in a hybrid system members can call a point of order or call for attention to raise a point. It can be done by voice, so they unmute and state a point of order or state that they have something to say. The other way is if they want to stand to speak on a topic, there are applications where they can raise their hand and it does appear on a list for the sitting Speaker, which I believe would be probably just as good—I won't say better, but it's there and it's on a list and it's in your face.
I know in the House, when you're sitting, your peripheral view sometimes is not as good as your direct view. By having the list, everyone who raises her or his hand is on that list or is basically visible to everyone. This is opposed to being in the House where there are people sitting on the side who might be missed when they rise to speak. There are pros and cons to both ways of doing it.