I want to just make it really clear. There seems to be a lot of confusion for some reason about the idea of a third vice-chair versus the deputy vice-chair versus what exists now, which is nothing. There is no other. Granted that we have to make this change to be able to have the intent work because of the Parliament of Canada Act indicating vice-chairs. The only reason there's no contemplation of having a third vice-chair or a deputy vice-chair is because nobody ever foresaw that. The way things have always operated, and I believe within the Standing Orders, is that there's a first vice-chair and a second vice-chair. The first vice-chair is always a member of the official opposition. The second vice-chair is always a member of another opposition party. There has never been a third vice-chair on standing committees. There has never been a deputy vice-chair.
No matter what we do, we're creating a new position. This is being done because we have a situation where there are two official opposition parties and they both wish to have members recognized in some way. In order to do that, we have to create a new position, a third vice-chair or a deputy vice-chair, whatever you want to call it, in order to make it work. To have the effect that we're trying to achieve with the amendment, we'd have to call it “deputy vice-chair” or “third vice-chair”, but the bottom line is that we're creating a new position that's never existed on standing committees before in one way or the other.
I certainly was not a believer that we should be doing that, especially by a motion like this. Rather, it should be something that should be done with consensus. That didn't happen. We're coming forward with a motion and it appears to me as though it has the support to pass. I'm simply trying to make an amendment here that will clarify in peoples minds that this is not about extra pay for somebody. This is not about the government's trying to buy the support of a party. This is about simply having a new position to give recognition to both of the other opposition parties. In making this amendment, that's what we're doing. If we don't make that amendment, then it leaves the question in some peoples minds as to what is the purpose. Is it simply to make sure that both of these other caucuses get pay that other MPs don't?