Thank you. I'll try to tackle this question.
There is strength in simplicity, especially when we're talking about cybersecurity and technology.
One of the reasons Dr. Goodman and I have gravitated more towards video voting as an approach is that it does have a certain simplicity to it. It's a lot easier to match a person's face and a voice—deepfakes notwithstanding—whereas when you are voting through an app, what the system is recording is not that you voted, but rather that somebody with your credentials voted. This is exactly what we saw in the Ontario municipal election. People were receiving PINs for their children who were in university, spouses were voting on behalf of each other, and so forth.
Video voting does provide a nice way to see the authenticity of the person there, subject to a number of other questions involving some of the issues discussed, but whatever you gravitate towards, I would encourage you to look for an elegant and simple option.