Thank you so much for those remarks and the brief history lesson.
As you know, the building has such a rich history. It was first built just prior to Confederation, and rebuilt after the 1916 fire, as the Speaker mentioned in the House yesterday. As I've mentioned, and I know Rob has mentioned also, the protection of the heritage and history is critical to the rehabilitation. Whether we're talking about the Peace Tower, Centre Block and the chamber, the West Block or the Sir John A. Macdonald Building, we have consistently had the importance of heritage and history at the forefront of our decision-making.
The department has just finished up the archeological work in the area surrounding the building. Thousands of items were actually found, including two arrowheads. We are undertaking consultations with the Algonquins regarding those arrowheads.
All of that is to say that, despite the focus I have been placing in my remarks on sustainability, security and accessibility, those values are balanced at all times with the importance we place, and we must place, on the heritage of these buildings.
Rob, did you have anything you wanted to add?