Before that we would be doing supplementary estimates and perhaps an interim report.
We will discuss that when we get back Tuesday. We're hoping that on the 10th we will do the supplementary estimates, and then on the 12th the analysts will have a draft report for us to take a look at and to add our recommendations to at that point. It seems from the presentation today that there's going to be an ongoing process, so we'll decide at that point what we want to put in our initial recommendation. I would think it would be some kind of mechanism so that we can continue working with them.
Also, for the study, we have to pass a budget. This budget, I have been told, has a lot of leeway. It doesn't look like we'll be spending anything close to the amount that's in here because it's just food costs, really, at this point. We haven't flown anyone in or anything like that, but we have to approve it in order to move forward.