To answer Ms. May's question, as of Tuesday the PROC virtual meetings will be on the Zoom platform. We won't be in the teleconference format that we are in right now. It will be on the Zoom platform, as will our subsequent meetings as well. There were some timing issues in getting a Zoom meeting up and going as quickly as we would have needed it for today, so the decision was made to have a teleconference.
I have one last thing, Madam Chair, before you get Andre to comment. I was hoping to get some direction from the committee with respect to witnesses for next Thursday's meeting. We have the Speaker and the Clerk for next Tuesday. It would be tremendously helpful to be able to get going on trying to secure witnesses for next Thursday. I'm wondering if the committee might be in a position even now, at this meeting, to provide me with instructions on the witnesses we should be considering for next Thursday.