I'm still struggling to understand Mrs. Vecchio's motion because it was so long and she read it so quickly. Mrs. Vecchio must have practised reading that quickly, because I couldn't comprehend it as it was lightning-fast.
I would appreciate an opportunity to sit down and actually read it through and really understand it. There seem to be all kinds of things in there and I'm not sure how they are related to prorogation. From my perspective, the prorogation seemed to be very clear. The mandate our government had from the people and the context had shifted dramatically, and prorogation seemed to be an opportunity to reset. I think that was a very clear message.
I'm not sure how this is getting linked to a whole bunch of other documents and questions that you have, but I certainly feel that's implied in the way this motion has been crafted. I would like to pick that apart, ask questions about it and have the opportunity to debate it, just to make sure we are fully clear before we vote on anything.