All right, thank you.
I want to comment on Mr. Gerretsen's response, as well as something that you mentioned earlier, Dominic, on the geopolitical challenges we have with potential foreign interference and foreign actors. We are in a pandemic. All countries can be seen at their weakest point in terms of safety and security.
The report that we're doing is about holding an election during a pandemic and ensuring Canadians that it's safe and secure and that our democratic institutions are intact. I think the comment you made is germane to that report. I don't think we've asked for any of our security experts to come before the committee. Perhaps that would be something that we would have to have off-line. Minister, I'd be very interested in that meeting.
It is so important, to Mr. Gerretsen's comment, that everything that we do—whether it's this committee or the work yourself as a minister or the cabinet—that we can provide assurances to Canadians that democratic institutions are intact and that there is complete independence. You may or may not want to comment publicly, but perhaps the appointment of Mr. Kielburger, in hindsight, may have added to some of the concerns that Canadians and others may have had with respect to the independence of the debates commission.
I'm also very happy to see you. I think I said that earlier. I'll chime in like everybody else. Whoever the gentleman was from Europe, he was obviously young and vibrant, because you've got his blood and you look very young and vibrant now. It looks good on you and it's great to see you.
I'm wondering if you can comment further about the safety and security of our democratic institutions, and perhaps on getting those security advisers to our committee to have that meeting. I would take you up on that offer.