I'll comment in relation to what we've done rather than just a general commentary.
We agree with you. One of the philosophies of our approach is that an engaged teacher can engage their students.
Last year, we had the capacity, which is rare, which means money, to gather and physically train, typically over an afternoon and an evening and then a full day, somewhere in the range of 1,850 teachers through 17 different events across Canada. What we see in evidence there is an improvement in their ability and engagement to instruct the student vote program in their schools. Also what they do is seed the system with enthusiastic teachers.
Just so that everyone knows, if we don't have representatives from all political parties as candidates, we then have representatives who are political pundits or commentators, and teachers generally find this fairly surprising. Therefore, we agree with you wholeheartedly.
The other thing we would say is that it's not just about having this type of stuff in the curriculum. In Ontario, we have a half course that's civics, and it is either very loved by students, rarely, or generally hated and written off as a Bird course that you take in the summer. The difference is who's teaching it and how they're teaching it.
I will never be able to underline enough the power, not the political power, but the power of engagement that teachers have and how important they are for the health of our democracy.