I agree that there are other Westminster system jurisdictions that have looked at ways to put in place some sort of rules. I think it's also important to understand that, when we start looking at reasons, this is always going to be politicized. The report that some found unsatisfactory because it failed to address some of the things...this is one of the things that when we attempt to make things more transparent often it really doesn't have that effect. This is the question of the prerogative of the Crown. There's some debate about whether or not prorogation, while we know it's a prerogative power, is a reserve power. I think most people agree that it is, in other words, that the representative of the Crown does have some leeway in refusing in extreme circumstances a request or perhaps not refusing the prorogation but insisting on a shorter period of time. That's one consideration, too, that prerogative of the Crown.
I think since time is so short I shouldn't take all the time.