It's a matter of looking at the demographics and assessing each home. As you've seen in Ontario, what we've tried to do, even in the lockdown zone this time where they're having no visitors, is that we have gone to the process of having essential visitors. We hope every resident has a registered essential visitor or visitors for them, who have gone through the process of logging and being recognized, and they are doing the regular testing as well. However, there might be some cases where there is no essential visitor linked to that individual.
We'd have to look at how many people in that group are medically and mentally capable of voting, who don't have alternate decision-makers, as in family members who could submit those documents. Then, if there were a large number in some of the large centres, would you want to designate, I don't know what their title could be, a scrutineer or whoever, who would go through the process of documenting, getting tested and being able to go in at a certain time and undertake that and being able to access that? We'd have to think how it might work, but that's when there is no essential—