What I am saying is that you had a duty to prepare that plan, if you really felt that was what was needed, while engaging with parliamentarians on the question of how to replace CERB, so it wasn't done at the last minute, as it ultimately was.
There have been issues with some of the programs that were designed and agreed to there, which we might have been able to foresee and prevent had we had parliamentary time to study them.
You had a duty to prepare that framework even while answering important questions about how you guys really let down a lot of students in the summer because you didn't give them access to CERB. You gave them access to a reduced emergency benefit on the pretense that there was going to be a job program for them that never came to be, because people were playing footsie under the table with folks at WE Charity. It was students who bore the real price of that because they didn't get the job program that was promised to them, to make up for the fact that they didn't get the same income replacement they would have had on CERB.