On the same point of order, thank you very much, Christine, for noting.
Thank you very much, Daniel. I really do appreciate it.
Also, Stéphane, I really do appreciate your words. I do know that you've been in and out of committee, but you have done this as well.
I think we are all getting to the point where we are wondering where our timeline is. This morning the reason this conversation started was that we know that we have an important piece of legislation that was rushed through Parliament just the other day, to be honest. It was rushed through Parliament, and it will be on our doorstep tomorrow because we'll be voting on it today. I look at the fact that we know this is coming, so today what is the plan? What are we going to be doing? As of Thursday, we will have another piece that is being added to our agenda, that we need to start looking forward on.
Are we going to continue with Bill C-19? Are we going to do our estimates? What are we going to be doing? I just see that the last 40 hours has truly been spent on that and, honestly, I can tell you my intention was to try to open up a pathway so that we could look at Bill C-19. I know there is a lot of pressure to look at Bill C-19, so I'm asking for the government to come up with a way for us to look at Bill C-19. All that's happened today is that all of the good-faith bargaining that was done this morning is going to be lost, because when we come back on Thursday, we're going to be told, “Here is your written amendment.” Then will we be told that it's not good enough and we're going to continue?
Maybe those are some of the things, because we don't know. If our amendment is not good enough, that means we're going to continue with Ryan's or we'll accept this amendment but we'll continue to filibuster.
There are so many unknowns here, and I think logically we need to look at what the priorities of this committee are. We need to get to Bill C-19. If we have the opportunity to look at estimates, we should be looking at estimates, but ultimately we're listening to these speeches on this amendment just to waste time.
I really appreciate Stéphane and his comments, but when the majority of committee members have said outright that they will not be supporting it, we are beating a dead horse, and every person in this committee today knows that. This is a dead horse, and it's extremely unfortunate.
Let's get back to doing some work. Daniel has already indicated that we are working on this, and we really are. We really are working on this. I would really like to see some movement from the Liberal members rather than their just reading prorogation speeches into the record on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week as they have been doing for the last three months.
Thank you.