Okay, great.
Essentially what I'm saying is that, even as the economy starts to recover, or as public health restrictions are safely lifted in the future.... I really must stress that they need to be safely and slowly lifted to ensure there isn't a fourth and fifth wave. We need to be extremely careful at all levels when doing any reopening.
What's important to realize about a restaurant or food service business, which includes more than just restaurants, is that their margins are thin already. Within the pandemic, their operating costs have gone up slightly due to some of the equipment and public health measures and protocols they've had to implement. Some restaurants have put the kind of plexiglass, or whatever it's called, around the booths where people sit in the restaurant, but even the social distancing and not having as many people.... Everything depends upon how many tables you turn over in a day. Most of these businesses literally count down their cash at the end of every day.
Am I still coming through? It seems like I'm pausing.