We are resuming meeting number 27 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, which started on April 13, 2021.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to the House order of January 25, 2021, and therefore members can attend in person or using the Zoom application. Everyone today is using the Zoom application. More and more, I'm hearing that the House of Commons administration wants the most limited bodies possible in order to keep our technical professionals and everybody in the room safe. I appreciate everybody joining virtually. It is the safest way to conduct the meetings right now, especially considering the high numbers in Ontario.
I want to remind all the participants that screenshots and taking photos of your screen are not permitted. Everybody in the room knows the drill regarding COVID protocols that they have to undertake, but the chair and the clerk will be enforcing those measures in case anybody does have to go in person.
Remember to put your interpretation on at the bottom of your screen.
We have a speakers list from last time, but the two members who were on the speakers list, Mr. Samson and Ms. Lambropoulos, are not here today, so we have a new speakers list.
We have Dr. Duncan first on the speakers list. The issue that we are still on is Mr. Turnbull's amendment to Ms. Vecchio's motion. We've been on this issue for quite some time, so I am confident you are all fully aware of the motion, but I have the motion in front of me in case anybody needs a refresher.
Dr. Duncan, the floor is yours.