Okay. That's perfect.
My experience is that they do accommodate quickly, but 48 hours is usually appropriate, at least for us to be able to provide that. I just wanted you all to be aware that we should be providing a few days' notice before deciding to jump to that. We can't just plan to jump to that the day before, and of course not the day of.
There were some questions last time about relevance and repetition. There are no hard and fast rules for committees per se, but we look to the rules that the Speaker goes by when it comes to enforcing or reinforcing how to follow the rules of repetition and relevance. Generally, I take it that currently, since we are on debate on Mr. Turnbull's amendment, the debate must always be centred on the provisions of the amendment, and members must always relate their comments to the amendment. Determining relevance will be based on this principle. This is grounded in the procedural authorities set forth by the Speaker.
However, as you know, members are given leeway to relate what they are speaking on back to the amendment. You can alert me to any repetition. Generally—we have talked about this before, too—any word-for-word repetition of paragraphs will not be allowed. If that is done and the person is reminded or alerted and continues to repeat previous paragraphs word for word, we will have to remove them from their spot and move on to the next speaker.
However, repetition for the purpose of emphasis, or short statements or sentences would be allowed but not repetition of the whole speech or of entire paragraphs. Is someone repeating the context or is someone trying to put emphasis on the context in a stylistic way by repeating certain things? There is a difference between the two, and you can definitely alert me when you think that difference has crossed the line into actual repetition, and I can rule on that at that point.
I just wanted to remind everyone about the framework that we have been working within all along.
We will go back to the speakers list on Mr. Turnbull's amendment. We are currently on the first speaker, Ryan Turnbull.
Ryan, you have the floor.