Well, a lot has happened today. I feel like we're making some positive progress towards something. Obviously, there are so many things before me as chair right now, including legislation. I truly feel that legislation is important and we should get to it somehow. I am feeling optimistic that perhaps maybe we will get to it, at some point, but there's a lot before us; it's not just that.
Ms. Vecchio, your point is taken that the prorogation study report is currently before us. Hopefully, that report can be completed as soon as possible.
I have a speakers list that is growing. I know that sometimes you see the speakers list a little differently than I do. I have experienced that on other committees as well. I'll mention who is on the speakers list, according to my order: Mr. Turnbull, Mr. Lauzon, Ms. Petitpas Taylor, Ms. Duncan and then Mr. Blaikie.
Mr. Lauzon.