Could you send that to me, Mr. Lauzon? I could then distribute it to the other members if you have it in both official languages.
Thank you.
Madam Chair, to clarify some process issues, the committee considered Mr. Blaikie's amendment, and it was adopted. Mrs. Vecchio's motion now takes on the form of the modifications that Mr. Blaikie's amendment suggested.
That would include part A of Mrs. Vecchio's motion. It is reworded along the lines of what Mr. Blaikie's amendment put forward, which was to have the Prime Minister appear for the one hour as opposed to the original three hours that was in Mrs. Vecchio's motion. All other parts of Mrs. Vecchio's motion have now been removed from her motion. Paragraphs (b) through (h) have now been removed.
The current motion, as it now stands, prior to Mr. Lauzon moving his amendment, would simply include paragraph (a), which calls to reinvite the Prime Minister for the one hour. Should he not appear within that week, it still provides the ability or mandates the chair to report that fact to the House. If the House were then to concur in it, it would provide the chair and the committee with the ability to have the Prime Minister appear from time to time.
That's where we are right now, on the cusp of Mr. Lauzon moving his amendment, which will obviously further change the original part A, if that is what the committee wishes.