Yes. Maybe just a quick clarification from Elections Canada.... This issue would likely be a moot point if we were able to go to the electronic voters list. That would be my understanding. If we're at the point...and my understanding is that we're not at that point yet and, hopefully, perhaps by the next general election, we could be at the point where there's an electronic polling list.
I know we've talked in the past about a “vote at any table” model, but just to clarify, this would basically be a stopgap to ensure that there's no double voting and no opportunity to do that, unless, obviously, there was a solemn declaration or maybe some discretion for permission otherwise.
I think we all know family members, friends and colleagues who misplace things, us included sometimes, or we accidentally put things through shredders that shouldn't have been put through shredders. I think this is kind of that ability to ensure that there's one ballot but also it provides a stopgap as well that, if something happens, there is an opportunity to get a ballot. That's where that is coming from, Madam Chair.