Thank you very much.
Although I recognize what Mr. Turnbull is saying, the bottom line is that there shouldn't be an election if scrutineers aren't able to go there. If a scrutineer can't go there, then do we really want a senior going to the poll? Do we really want somebody who is vulnerable going to any of these things?
The bottom line is that we should not be going to an election if doing so presents a health risk for Canadians. I think there's the health risk, but we cannot forget about democracy because of the health risk either. I think we have seen too many questions.
I have been a scrutineer many times throughout my life. I know that the job is truly going in and out and picking up a bingo sheet, but limiting that is not right for campaigns. It is not right for democracy. I think this is very valuable and the most important thing is that we have a fair election.
If we can't have scrutineers, then we probably wouldn't be able to have polling clerks and DROs, and we probably shouldn't be having voters going to the polls. There probably shouldn't be an election.
I would continue to say that I support this amendment fully and that hopefully we can go further.
Thank you.