That's awesome.
Just one of the considerations that I've heard about is that in P.E.I. they don't use schools. I know that when we have been speaking about it here, we have been looking at schools and having an election on a weekend when the schools wouldn't be open. The schools aren't open in the first place.
Even in my own community, not all of our municipal facilities are open, so if we are looking for those large spaces, a lot of times those are public spaces. What are your recommendations? If public spaces are not available to us, what would you be looking at?
Also, since I know my time is running out, I want to talk about the workers. I'm looking at the fact that Elections Canada mentioned having, in the country, one person per polling site, who would work as both the poll clerk and the DRO. I know, however, that in P.E.I. you've actually increased that so that you have more election workers there. What is that right fit so that we can make sure that we have the most democratic election possible, looking at those voting locations so that they are easy for people to get to and also at the safety of our poll clerks and DROs and making sure that we have space for them as well?
I'm just going to throw that off to you guys.