Frankly, as I mentioned in my comments, I've seen that steady decline over the years. I've always thought it would be a tragedy—and I'm choosing my words carefully here—to, in the future, have as low as 30% or 40% of Canadians electing their national government or provincial government. To me that's just unacceptable.
I think we need to have a concentrated push. I agree with your assessment that we need other stakeholders to become involved, but I would also suggest, Dr. Boda, that it should be, in my opinion at least, a primary function of your office to take a lead role in working cohesively with other stakeholders—other political parties, for example, or civil liberty groups—to increase voter turnout.
Could you give me some more specificity about some of the things that you've done in the past or would like to do in the future to make sure all Canadians and all people within each province of this great country of ours are committed to voting and to recognizing that voting is a fundamental right and privilege that we should observe, and that we should get out to the polls every time and any time an election is called? What would you do specifically?