Thank you for those opening comments.
We will now enter into six-minute rounds, starting with Mr. Calkins.
Then we will go to Ms. Fortier and Ms. Gaudreau.
Then it will be Ms. Mathyssen.
I'll just say that in the past I've provided some leniency. We have a lot of new members at PROC now. Would you like me to continue chairing as I've always done? Would you like me to act as chair to end the time? As chair, I do have prerogative, so if witnesses do not have any time to comment, I am able to provide them time to comment.
I will continue doing that, so that's not a question, but should I continue chairing as I have chaired? I'm looking for agreement.
I see some agreement. Excellent. I will continue doing that.
Mr. Calkins, you have six minutes, through the chair.