First, we have to assume our responsibilities. As an institution, the House of Commons must assume its responsibilities, and I include in that the members themselves, as well as the administration. When invitations are issued to people, there must be a process to check the list of people who are invited. It's essential to do so.
Second, when members invite people from their riding to a reception, for example, members must take some responsibility to ensure that the people who are invited aren't people who will harm the parliamentary institution. We have the example of Mr. Hunka and the reception I was talking about earlier, which caused a lot of embarrassment to the House of Commons.
There's a way to check someone's history on the Internet to make sure that person doesn't have a past or even a present that poses a problem, because when this kind of problem occurs, Parliament as a whole is tarnished.
As you said, after spending about nine years here, I hold this House in very high esteem. As people who believe in democracy and politics, we don't need this kind of incident.