I was not able to raise information about Mr. Hunka and their relationship with and knowledge of Mr. Hunka through the protocol office, the PCO and PMO in the first round. Now, when I'm about to ask my second question, a point of order is called again.
I'm going to ask the question of Ms. Kennedy. There was international embarrassment with the Prime Minister's visit to India after not properly vetting a guest list. A terrorist was brought along by the Prime Minister on that diplomatic visit. It was a disaster for that entire trip in many ways.
What lessons were learned and incorporated into this visit? Yet again, guest lists that were provided by the PMO and PCO were not properly vetted, and it created international embarrassment. What was done by the PCO and the Prime Minister's Office between that India incident and this one to try to avoid this happening?
Mr. Carrière, if you want to address that as well, I'll be happy with that. What new steps have been taken since that 2017 incident with the guest list? What have you tried to rectify since?