Yes, please.
Thank you.
I will read out the amended motion. While I am reading it, my team is drafting the amendment that I will be sending the clerk.
The amended motion would be as follows:
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3), the committee conduct a review of the Members of the House of Commons Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy, study occurrences and impacts of harassment within the House of Commons, Parliament Hill, Constituency Offices, and via the use of Members' social media, and make any relevant changes to ensure Members of Parliament, personnel and members of the public who participate in the day-to-day activities of the institution are protected from violence and harassment; that the committee invite: a) the Chief Human Resources Officer; b) the current and past speakers of the House of Commons; c) the Clerk of the house; d) the head clerk of committees; e) the Sergeant-At-Arms; f) the Interpretation Directorate; g) anti-harassment specialists and workplace mental health and safety experts; h) and any other witnesses as needed; that at least three meetings prior to Friday, June 21, 2024 be devoted to witness testimony and that witness lists be submitted to the clerk within seven days upon the adoption of this motion; and that the committee report its findings to the House.
Mr. Chair, I believe the amended motion has been distributed to members.