Mr. Chair, I will be quick.
I just wanted to mention that, in 2015, the Quebec National Assembly made no distinction between members and employees, among other things, and everything was going very well. I think we should ask ourselves whether we should be so worried.
It seems to me that prevention is key. However, we have a code of conduct that applies to both 25-year-old and 75-year-old elected officials. For those people, what are the chances that they will experience harassment or uncomfortable situations? For the next generation, we will have to ensure that generational differences are respected and focus on prevention in that regard. What was acceptable 40 years ago may no longer be acceptable today. Something may be acceptable to me, if there is consent or we joke around, but not to people younger than me.
I find that a lot of emphasis is being placed on the member's privilege, for instance. We chose to be here and we have a role to play, as long as we abide by the code of conduct that we have established for ourselves. Personally, I am eager to see it happen, and I would like to be part of the subcommittee that will be in charge of that. As you know, I am not only an entrepreneur, but also a psychosociologist. I would be pleased to work with the Board of Internal Economy and you.
Mr. Chair, do I have any time left?