With respect to the impact on families, my family looks at my page, and I try to put a lot of positive things out. I don't do the personal attacks. I just really put out a lot of positive stuff. However, when I get the comments, I know my dad would call and say, Sherry, do they even know you? You're such a nice person. Why are people saying that about you?
It's very hurtful for our families to see that. I have people come up to me to say that they have seen some of the stuff people write and wonder if people even know me. They say that I'm a nice person. I don't think people realize that when that's happening, our families are affected as well.
When you're having that conversation about whether you're going to run again or whether you're going to continue doing what you're doing, a lot of times, the family is questioning if we really want to keep putting up with that. It impacts our ability to do what we do.
I self-regulate in the chamber now. There are times when I want to get up and ask a question, and I think, you know, I'm not going to because it's just going to invite the hate. My privilege is actually being taken away because I self-regulate. I decide what parts of the debate I'm going to participate in because I just don't want to invite it.
Would you say that's something that's happening as well?