Thank you, Mr. Chair, for the invitation to appear this morning.
My name is Caroline Xavier, as stated. I am the chief of the Communications Security Establishment, also known as CSE. I am joined by Rajiv Gupta, the associate head of CSE's Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, also known as the cyber centre.
I'd like to begin by providing the committee with a brief overview of the evolving threat landscape. Following this, I will speak to the mitigated threat activity that targeted Canadian parliamentarians and how CSE has been working and continues to work to support parliamentarians and protect our democratic institutions more broadly.
Canada’s adversaries are increasingly using cyber-threats to conduct espionage, move their foreign policy objectives forward and influence Canadian public opinion to their advantage.
Although we believe cybercrime continues to be the most likely cyber-threat affecting Canadians and Canadian organizations, the cyber-threat coming mainly from China—as well as from Russia, Iran and other countries—is more strategically significant.
Allow me to be more specific. The cyber-threat emanating from the PRC is significant in its volume and sophistication. PRC-sponsored cyber-threat actors will almost certainly continue targeting industries and technologies in Canada to give the PRC an advantage for its strategic priorities, whether political, economic, in security or in defence.
In parallel, Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 gave the world a new understanding of how cyber-activity is used to support wartime operations. It has demonstrated how nation states are increasingly willing and able to use misinformation and disinformation to advance their geopolitical interests.
Since 2021, the CSE has also observed that state-sponsored cyber-threat actors with links to Russia and the PRC continue to conduct most of the attributed cyber-threat activities targeting foreign elections. In the fourth iteration of our threats to democratic processes publication, released in December 2023, we outlined examples of cyber-activity against the democratic process that we have observed globally since 2021. These include distributed denial of service attacks, or DDoS, against election authority websites and electronic voting systems, unauthorized access to voter databases to collect private information, and spear phishing attacks against election officials and politicians, among others.
Given this observed activity, in the last few years, the CSE cyber centre has publicly released over eight alerts, four cyber-threat bulletins, and seven joint cybersecurity advisories with allies, all related to Chinese or Russian state-sponsored cyber-activity.
Canada's high degree of global connectivity and technological integration with our allies increases our threat exposure. Furthermore, Canada does not exist in a vacuum, so cyber-activity affecting our allies' democratic processes will also likely have an impact on Canada's.
In relation to the committee's study, I'd now like to provide a brief overview of the CSE's role and relationship with the House of Commons IT team.
The CSE takes its mandate and legal obligations very seriously. Under the cybersecurity and information assurance aspect of our mandate, the CSE acquires, uses and analyzes information from the global information infrastructure, or from other sources, to provide advice, intelligence, guidance and services to help protect electronic information and information infrastructure. Accordingly, pursuant to the CSE Act, the CSE and its cyber centre share intelligence and information with service providers and government clients, including appropriate authorities in Parliament.
In June 2022, the CSE received a report from the FBI, detailing emails targeting individuals around the world, including individuals who have been outspoken on topics relating to activities of the Chinese Community Party. The report included technical details and the names of 19 parliamentarians who had been targeted by this activity. However, from January to April 2021, more than a year earlier, the cyber centre had already shared reports with the House of Commons IT security officials, specifically detailing a serious matter of technical indicators of compromise by a sophisticated actor affecting House of Commons IT systems.
Upon receipt of this information, the CSE shared specific and actionable technical information about the activity with the House of Commons IT security officials, as well as with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, or CSIS. Because of this information, the CSE and the House of Commons worked together to thwart the attempted compromise by this sophisticated actor.
We respect the fact that the House of Commons and the Senate are independent, and its representatives are responsible for determining the timing and the manner in which to communicate directly with MPs and senators. Last week, the committee’s clerk received a complete chronology of events describing measures the Communications Security Establishment took to inform and assist parliamentary officials in their efforts to detect and mitigate cyber-threats. It is important to highlight that the Communications Security Establishment’s engagement with House of Commons IT security stakeholders came well before the aforementioned Federal Bureau of Investigation report.
As the central technical resource for cybersecurity advice, we provide near real-time notifications, including to the House of Commons and Senate IT teams, and we have helped parliamentary IT security officials take quick and appropriate measures within their systems to protect their network and users against this and other threats.
When a cyber-threat is identified, the cyber centre sends out different types of notifications, including cyber flashes, which are urgent notifications delivered via email, daily updates about malware and vulnerabilities on a partner's IP space via the national cyber-threat notification service, and monthly summaries of national threat notification service data, showing how a subscriber's cyber hygiene ranks against anonymized peers in their sector.
When requested, we provide cyber-defence services and maintain an open line of communication to mitigate potential threats. To detect malicious cyber-activity on government networks, systems and cloud infrastructure, the cyber centre uses autonomous sensors, including network-based sensors—