That is helpful.
Where I want to go with this is that there's a protocol problem, clearly, but I think the bigger issue here is a culture problem. There are protocols in place right now that officials thought would inform parliamentarians, and that hasn't happened. There's a bigger issue here of a culture that comes from the PCO, the PMO and different agencies that just frankly, I felt, were careless in assuming somebody else would look after it, so there was no proper follow-up.
I want to ask each of you for your comments on the culture that's out there of not doing that follow-up and not making sure that people who are actually being threatened are being informed in a timely manner, provided the proper resources and so forth. Then maybe in your response you can talk about what needs to change and who is responsible.
On the disappointment Ms. Sgro mentioned—which you still have—who's that disappointment with in terms of where the responsibility lies?