We have to fix the system. That's a real, serious problem, if intelligence isn't evidence.
This goes back to my initial point of what I perceive to be a naïveté and the necessity to revamp the entire system. As I said, I believe it's a result of naïveté. I believe it's a result of indifference, inaction and incompetence.
It shouldn't be that way. We should be able to trust what's in the report. That's a huge problem. I really hope—whether it's this government or another government—that it can be addressed so that, when something is published, we can have confidence in it.
If not, what does that say about us as a nation, that we can't even have faith in the information within what is supposed to be the most sound and most sensitive report? I think that's a pretty sad statement. I hope one day to live in a state where we can trust a report such as that and the information within it.
Thank you.