Thank you for the question.
As I said, there have been 44 commissions of inquiry at the federal level since 1977. Only five commissions of inquiry have had access to cabinet confidences. Of these five, four were created when the prime minister's name was Trudeau. As for the other, it was the late Brian Mulroney, prime minister at the time, who authorized the transmission of certain cabinet documents to the Oliphant Commission. So this is something exceptional.
If my memory serves me correctly, in the past, certain commissions of inquiry that touched on matters of national security did not have access to documents subject to cabinet secrecy.
It's also important to note that this was part of the mandate. It should come as no surprise that the government, as it should, protects cabinet or legal counsel documents. This was understood and accepted by the House Leaders of all recognized parties in the House of Commons.
We are now coming to the end of the parliamentary session, and there is a desperate desire to exaggerate things before the end. However, I don't think it will come as a surprise to anyone.