Yes, there is definitely more effort performed by our Five Eyes allies when it comes to warning, training and raising awareness. In security, the human factor is always the weakest link. Contrary to maybe the academic comfort that Mr. Wark has put into the technology, it's not enough. Just take an example, a very benign example. Just this week, it was reported in the newspaper that a city councillor in Gatineau went to Russia with his equipment without even thinking that he could be compromised or something like that. This is naive to borderline stupid. In that perspective, it is the human being that is the weak element, not the technology.
We have phenomenal technology. CSE does a fantastic job. It's also supported by the private sector like Bell Canada and other groups that co-operate to try to protect us, but at the end of the day, common sense needs to be injected as well. From that perspective, from an operational point of view, we need to be capable of warning more and training more—with continuous training, not only the training you get when you get sworn in and when you arrive as a new member of Parliament, and then we forget about you for the next five years. No, we need to constantly repeat this, particularly with staff. It was mentioned during the Hogue commission that 11 candidates and 13 staff members were on the payroll of the Chinese consulate in Toronto. You can see that not only members of Parliament will be targeted, but their staff as well.