Thank you, Mr. Duncan.
Colleagues, that concludes our discussion with Monsieur Perrault and Madame Morin.
I want to thank you both very much for being here.
Just briefly, for the benefit of both committee members and the public who may be watching, in terms of the next steps here, I have asked our analysts to draft a report on this subject. That will come to the committee for consideration. At that point, we will determine whether or not we want to send that report, as is or amended, back to the House. That will be our contribution to this part of the procedure. Then, as has been mentioned, our colleagues over at the Senate, in the legal committee, will also have to render their own judgment.
In terms of the next steps for this, we will await the report from our analysts, and we will have an internal discussion. Mr. Perrault, we hope to be able to get back to you in the not-too-distant future with our findings and our analysis on that.
In the meantime, colleagues, that was a great meeting and very interesting discussion.
Thank you, Ms. Idlout, for joining us and providing your contributions here as a guest member.
We're going to suspend briefly, colleagues.
When we come back, we will continue the meeting with a completely different matter. We'll see you in a few minutes.